Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Lab Report Writing

In Room 106 you'll find ping-pong balls and cotton balls flinging through the air.  No, we haven't lost all control before the holidays!  We're doing experiments with catapults so that we can focus on scientific writing!  We continue to write lab reports and this week we focused on being specific when we are writing down our procedures that need to be followed to perform the experiment.  In jest, I mentioned that if I brought down 5th graders they needed to be able to read the step-by-steps and know exactly how to set things up...we couldn't just write, set things up!

After thinking on the idea Mrs. Pierce (a 5th grade teacher) and I decided, why not have the 5th graders do just that!  See our pictures below.  Each 2nd grader was assigned a 5th grader who worked with them to help revise and carefully read their procedure page.  

The results were awesome!  There was a lot of talk about adding more specifics and 5th graders offered excellent suggestions to us!  Ask your child who they worked with and what they suggested!